
Saturday, 8 July 2017

5 Things Julian Likes To Do Out Doors

Bike riding
swimming beach

For the bonus activity I had to ask a real life person what 5 things they like to do out doors. For this activity I decided to interview Julian (my younger sibling) Above are the five things he likes doing out doors. I enjoy most activities above except Rugby. I like watching Rugby but not playing it.


  1. Hello Jeremiah, Rugby, Basketball, and Softball is the thing I would do. Julian and I have something in common. I also interviewed my brother and he has rugby in it. Keep up the great work Jeremiah!

  2. Hi Jeremiah. Like your brother I like riding bikes and playing Basketball outside. You have explained what you had to do for this task very well. Keep up the great work.

  3. Kia Orana Jeremiah!

    It sounds like Julian likes playing sports when he's outside! I love that you also shared what you like doing or not doing... I am the same, I like watching rugby, not playing it. It's a bit too rough for me as a girl! However, I did play touch rugby when I was younger - it's a little less rough for me!

    Nicky :)

  4. Hi Jeremiah
    I also interviewed my young sibling and some of the things he likes to do are similar to what Julian likes. Keep up the spectacular work Jeremiah.

  5. Hello Jeremiah, I also enjoy playing all of those activities outside. I also decided to interview my younger sibling. Keep up the remarkable work Jeremiah.
